A Legacy of Competency

Leader of Corporate and Logistics

Experience Details:

MAY 2020 - JULY 2021

Climbing on over with other opportunities, this position had given me such great opportunities I never even thought of. The very first opportunity started with one call that we want you to come and join the recruitment process since you have been selected as the Leader of Corporate and Logistics and we want to take your duties in action instantly. I went up on that stage and sat for about 2 hours without saying the word and just observed how were they taking the interviews and was also noting the thoughts of theirs from the point of selections and soon after 2 hours the Ex-Chairperson called me up and told now to take interviews and showcase my implementations on the observations I just did. I was a little nervous at first because the very first person who I did interview of was of a senior year and after that I became confident that this position is gonna prove my major path to my success in boosting my confidence and also to increase my communication skills. After that I got a chance to manage a great team and also I did host an International Event Concepto which was presented live on the pages of SRMIST. The position made me realized that no work is small to do and it is a general requirement ot keep a knowledge and a basic experience to implement basic strategies no matter if it is not written in your job profile. Only then we can strive for greater opportunities when we try to push our limits.
